November - We held a Horse Racing evening with 4 other groups who work to make Beccles a better place to live. Apart from an enjoyable evening, £126 was raised as prize money on the last race which was won by the Rotary Club of Beccles which will go towards their fundraising efforts for those who give support to the Blind and Partially Sighted of the Waveney Valley
October - We completed sell-out Ghost Walks. Thanks to all those who supported the walks, particularly the generous donations made following each walk.
September - We had a fantastic music night with Tosh and Friends at The Club in Beccles which raised over £500. Deepest thanks to all who attended, and to the band and Club who all donated their fees back to us!
August - You might have caught us taking part in the Beccles Carnival parade dressed as Vikings and Saxons along with our Club pig!
July - We were at Beccles Hospital Fete supporting Beccles Rotary Club with our Horse Racing and Skittles games which raised £120 to the cause.
June - We enjoyed an evening of Skittles with our friends from Beccles Rotary Club, Beccles Lions, Red Hat Ladies, and Beccles Institute Bowls Club. A combined team of Lions and Bowls Club ran out winners and the right to choose where to donate the money raised on the night. £125 was kindly donated to Beccles Helping Hands and accepted with our gratitude.
May - The 2024 round of walks started with a very successful Living History Walk attended by nearly 50 people. We also supported Beccles Food Festival to ensure the free bus to and from the Quay operated smoothly.
April - Saturday 6th. We will be at the Beccles Voluntary Organisations' Showcase event being organised by Beccles Town council. We would love to meet you there at Beccles Public Hall between 10:00am and 2:00pm!
November - We held our 20th anniversary Christmas Meal at the Bear and Bells in Beccles and were entertained by the Piano Man Dave Johnson.
September - We resumed our Ghost Walk season with some new features and changes to the last few years which we hope you enjoyed. Tickets for the October walks are selling fast so please be quick to avoid disappointment!
June - We had our first History Walk of the year and were pleased to entertain 53 guests. We supported Beccles Rotary Club with preparations and clear up at Beccles Hospital Fete. Thanks to all those who supported the horse racing and ten-pin bowling stalls. They raised £100 towards the Rotary Club's fundraising.
April - We were joined by Beccles Rotary Club for a Horse Race evening. It was a thoroughly entertaining event with great company raising £160. History Walk tickets on sale at Saxons, Beccles
March - History Walk dates announced. We attended the Volunteers Showcase at Blyburgate Hall to meet like minded people who want to support events and other people through our fundraising events.
October - We had a Skittles Night at Beccles Caxton Club. Beccles Caxton Club emerged as winners, with Beccles Helping Hands and Beccles Institute Bowls Club very close runners-up. A magnificent £160 was raised which the winning team donated to Beccles Helping Hands. Many thanks to them for a great evening and donation.
September - We supported the Royal Air Force Association at St Michaels Church by managing the refreshments after their parade and church service
June - We attended the grand opening of the new equipment at the Quay playpark to which we donated £500. Current mayor Barry Darch cut the ribbon with the former mayor Elfrede Brambley-Crawshaw whose appeal it was to raise the money in 2019. We had a Skittles evening with Red Hat Ladies and Beccles Lions which was won by the Lions who donated their prize money back to Beccles Helping Hands! Some of our members helped the Rotary Club to set up and take down the stalls at Beccles Hospital Fete
The Living History Walks are back for 2022. Please click through the menu for more information
2021. Thanks to all who braved the chill to attend the first walk on May 7th and for your positive reactions throughout the walk.
October - It happened! We were able to deliver 3 Ghost Walk evenings. Thanks to everyone who took part, and who bought the tickets to raise money for local causes. It was lovely to entertain such responsive groups this year. It all adds to the atmosphere!
September - We had our first social event since 2019 enjoying a pleasant afternoon as guests of Beccles Institute Bowls Club
August - We have had our first meeting since lockdown! We are discussing the possibility of having Ghost Walks in October. This will depend on us finding new members / supporters joining us to resurrect this event favourite. Please make contact if you would be able to help as a participant.
Unfortunately we have been unable to organise any events this year due to Covid-19 restrictions.
In February we teamed up with Beccles Lions to equip a local resident with a mobility scooter to restore his independence.
In May we teamed up with Tesco to send hundreds of pounds worth of toiletries to residents of three Old Peoples homes in Beccles who were unable to see friends and relatives during lockdown. In June We also sent money to St Lukes church to allow them to purchase folding chairs and tables to make space for the work they were doing with the Food Bank.
In December we had 2 Christmas parties! One arranged by our good friends the Red Hat Ladies at the Caxton Club, and theother was a meal for ourselves at the Triple Plea outside Halesworth.
In November we had another evening at Richardson Family Bowl for 10 pin bowling and a meal.
In October we completed the Ghost Walks. Thanks to everyone who supported us. We hope you had a great experience!
In September we hosted a Skittles evening with Red hat Ladies, Beccles Institute Bowls Club and friends. BIBC ran our worthy winners! We also had a night of 10 pin bowling at Lowestoft earlier in the month.
In June we supported our friends in the Rotary Club of Beccles to set up and take down the stalls at Beccles Hospital Fete and have since been presented with their Beccles Hospital Fete Cup and £300 donation as thanks.
In May we attended the official opening of Beccles Skatepark having donated money towards the building work. We also helped Beccles Lions to marshal the crowds at the Beccles Food Festival
In April we had a Sausage and Mash night and Beetle Drive joined by friends from Beccles Red Hat Ladies and Beccles Rotary Club
In March we took our Skittle Alley to the Butchers Arms in Beccles to raise money for the recently installed defibrillator
We rounded off 2018 being entertained by the Red Hat Ladies at their Christmas party before having a meal of our own at Graze of Beccles.
In November we were helping Beccles Lions steward the Christmas lights switch on and we were helping Santa in his grotto in the church. We also took part in an evening of darts with the Fox and Hounds and Caxton Club to raise money for Cancer research on behalf of Tony Paske.
In October we performed 4 dates of Ghost Walks to over 300 people. Thanks for your support!
On September 22nd we welcomed many friends to a Murder Mystery at Ringsfield Village Hall on the Lowestoft to Ipswich Railway line where 1 team managed to identify both murderers from the script written by our own Claire Goddard. See a picture from the evening on our Gallery page!
In August we completed the last of a well attended season of History Walks. Thanks to everyone who came along and supported us, we hope you enjoyed the walks!
In August we completed the last of a well attended season of History Walks. Thanks to everyone who came along and supported us, we hope you enjoyed the walks!
In June we went to the Triple Plea at Halesworth for a wonderful carvery and an afternoon playing Petanque in the sun, and we were pleased to help Beccles Rotary Club to set up and take down the stalls for the Beccles Hospital Fete
In May we helped Beccles Lions at the Beccles Food Festival with the marshalling, and attended Sotterley Open Gardens in costume.
In April we met at the Fox and Hounds in Beccles for a Quiz night. £105 was raised and a great evening was had by all.
In March we held a coffee morning at the Butchers Arms which raised £142.
In February we challenged the Red Hat Ladies and Beccles Lions to a Skittles match with Red Hat Ladies running out eventual winners, donating the £137.50 raised to the Air Ambulance.
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